Curious how your website stacks up to the competition? Check the vitals of your website with your free site audit. This review is handled by an individual account manager who will put together your tailored site audit. To get yours, fill out this form:

Site Audit

This site audit evaluates your site to help you get an understanding of what the issues of your website are for every aspect of your website, including both technical issues and content issues. Just some of the issues we look for include:

  • Duplicate Content
  • Broken Links
  • Slow Load Speed
  • Missing Meta Data
  • Pages with Low Word Count
  • Files That are Too Large
  • Pages Blocked from Being Crawled

These issues are then sorted by priority. Some are urgent, and some are not. We also recognize that some issues may not be a factor in the performance of your site and only need to have an eye kept on them.

Have questions about your results or want to learn more about how we can help improve your site? Give us a call at (888) 263-6206 or leave a message using our online form.