ClickCease GOOGLE LEAKS PROVIDE GUIDANCE - Superior Home Services Marketing

SEO Sales Leads

Superior Home Services




You may be asking yourself, “Why all of the concentration on Google?” It’s a fair question, and here’s why:

  • YOUR SALES VOLUME: Businesses like yours in Home Services hire us to make them money, plain and simple. We’re good people, but driving your sales is the key.
  • HOW DO YOU GET MORE SALES? By having more prospects visiting your website.
      1. Appearing on Page One of a Google search organically (by search engine optimization, or SEO).
      2. Appearing on Page One of a Google search by buying Google Ads. (PPC)
  • WEBSITES ON PAGE ONE GET TRAFFIC: Most people searching do not search past the first page of search results. 
  • TRAFFIC DRIVES CLICKS: If the prospect doesn’t see your site they can’t click on it.
  • CLICKS DRIVE VISITS TO YOUR SITE: This is where your sales begin. They either phone you or fill out a form on your site asking you to call them back after seeing your website.
  • NEW DISCOVERY? Yes. Google is actually monitoring your personal computer when you are using their Chrome browser and counting your clicks on your website. They have not confirmed this, and they probably won’t, but there is solid evidence out there. This directly influences whether your site will appear on Page One of a Google search result.
  • WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? Make sure that your site is getting clicks so it will appear on Page One for at  least some searches by:
    1. Improving your SEO marketing, and/or
    2. Buying Google Ads right now to get more clicks to your site while you bolster your SEO.


Can we absolutely prove this? No. Do we think there are enough new facts out there to believe the new evidence? Yes. Prudence dictates being proactive.

Onward & Upward!

More info: Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines

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Superior Home Services Marketing is a US-based company providing marketing and advertising consultation to home services businesses including Roofing Contractors, HVAC, Plumbers and Electricians, all of whom need sales leads which is our principal business objective. Call for services and competitive pricing.

Superior Home Services Marketing

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Southfield, MI 48034

(888) 230-4897

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Choose Superior Home Services Marketing to partner with a home services marketing agency that can truly take you to the next level. Home services trust us because home services grow with us.

We understand that you want to be careful about your business. It’s understandable to be cautious about the steps you take to improve it. That is why we want to be a resource to you and speak with you about what your options are and which of them is the best for you.

To start, we offer a free site audit. See if your website stacks up against the competition and Google’s standards. It’s key to have a website without blemishes, as any issues with your site could cost you leads. To request yours, send in your request by filling out our simple Free Site Audit Form.

Free Site Audit
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